Wednesday, December 23, 2009

'Twas the Fight Before Christmas...

I really wanted to get a tree up, but it in the past few weeks, it has been more than challenging to find a couple free hours to go and get one. So there we were, less than a week before Christmas... I just told Joe to grab one on his way home from work.

Last night it made it into the house.

I think its too big....

Joe thinks it's "awesome"....



  1. That sucker is HUGE! I hope you post another photo when you have it all lit up and decorated.

  2. It's a monster! Do you have enough lights, ornaments and time to decorate it? It should be beautiful when it is decorated - have a happy holiday!

  3. Awesome tree! Do you have a pattern for the most-excellent tree stand holding that thing up?

  4. My husband ALWAYS wants to pick the fattest tree he can find!!!!

  5. I think it's just right for two days before Christmas. ;-)

  6. it's amazing! really big Christmas trees are the best!

  7. It looks like it takes up half your living room but you'll laugh about it when you've been married for 50 years. "Remember that year you got that HUGE tree and it took up our whole living room!"

  8. Was it sort of like Christmas Vacation when you untied it? :)

    It's big, but I bet it will be awesome when you get it decorated!

    Merry Christmas!

  9. It's awesomely big.

  10. Looks like you have high ceilings perfect for a tree like that! You'll have to show us what it looks like after you've decorated!

  11. Its nice.. but yeah a lil on the big side :)

  12. I say if it 1) fits in the door and 2) fits under the ceiling without being bent over, it's the perfect size! I'm a fan of huge trees, though. :)

  13. Very funny...Amanda

  14. Holy smokes! That sucker's HUGE!!!!!

    What is it, like, 16 feet tall? It looks awesome, but like someone else said, will you have enough ornaments and lights for it? And will it be done by tomorrow? LOL!

    It's beautiful!

  15. Like Myrna, my initial reaction was that it's awesomely big ... and like Jewels and some others, I wondered if you have enough lights and ornaments for your awesomely big tree.

    And yes, please come back and show us the tree, fully dressed.

    Merry Christmas.

  16. yee gads...that's amazingly large! I bet it drinks gallons a day! Hope you had a blessed Christmas with your ginormously beautiful tree!!
