So let's recap a bit from yesterday's post, yes? I was setting the stage of what life has looked like for our family over the past few years and contemplating how knitting/French Press Knits fits into the picture:
- full time job
-3 kids under age 4
-husband= full time grad school
So knitting. Sadly, it just hasn't been fitting in.
Last week, on Instagram, I alluded to some new developments in our lives. Joe, who graduated earlier this year, has just started his first teaching job. For the first time in a long while, I have the option to stay home. And guess what? I did it!
This is what I have dreamed of and hoped for since Elise was born, but life got crazy, and the years trudged on. Now that I have spent the last five years praying that this day would come and it finally has, I. AM. TERRIFIED.
What it all boils down to is this: My job has been my excuse for not getting things done. I've let it be the excuse for not keeping our house clean/organized and I've let it be the excuse for not releasing new patterns/knitting more.
In my own defense, the past few years have been beyond crazy. I feel like there has been pressure and stress coming in from every facet of my life. And if there were any moments of downtime, I felt the need to just do something totally mindless.

My last day of work was two weeks ago. Right before I quit, my head was spinning. There were so many things I was holding back from doing that I didn't know where I wanted to start. As far as knitting goes, I have been dying to find a moment to write up the pattern for Clara's Christmas set from last year. The problem is, our house is my current work in progress. I have spent the past couple weeks cleaning closets, painting, updating hardware, etc
It has felt good to be so productive at home, and I finally feel like things are getting whipped into shape. The other day Elise came home from school and declared, "Mommy- It's like we have a whole new house!". I think I'm on the right track :-)
Now that things are being managed on the home front, I plan to officially start my knitting career... if you can call it that! When Elise is at school, I still have two little ones at home, so it won't be easy. I'm working on finding babysitters for about 6 hours a week. It isn't much, but I need to start somewhere, right?
Excited to see where this takes me and looking forward to sharing everything that's been floating around in my head for the past few years.
No fears- just time to do it!
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Congratulations! "My job has been my excuse for not getting things done." I've been a SAHM for 6 years now and since I still have kids at home (1 at school), they are my job and the reason I don't get things done, still!! haha The kicker with staying home is that people are now in the house all day--making messes, eating, needing food prepared, needing attention, wanting to go to story times, volunteering at school, etc. Wishing your family luck as you adjust to this transition, and looking forward to, perhaps, more blog posts!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I loved the years I was a SAHM. My kids benefited, and so did I. Enjoy them while you can; it goes by in the blink of an eye.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I too became a stay at home mom at the start of the summer after working full time for 20 plus years. I worked through college and we finally decided things were changing at my job and those changes didn't outweigh the need for me to be at home anymore. So I jumped into this new life. I wish you success in your next adventure and am looking forward to your posts!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations. I did the same too and stayed home with my kids for a few years. It was the best thing I ever did. The children are only 'young' for such a short time. Enjoy this time and good luck with everything...I am so excited for you.
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm excited for you and us! Welcome back! You have been missed! My daughter is going to college in Portland-she texted me on Thusday & told me to check my email. She said, Mom! We got an email from French Press Knits! You were always our favorite knitting blog and some of our favorite patterns. I smiled when you talked about being a slipper factory-while I didn't make that many, I did make 9 pair for Christmas gifts a few years ago! Everyone loved them AND I actually got a pair made for myself, which doesn't usually happen in my knitting world! I enjoyed the pattern - I liked knitting each little piece, sewing them together & then pulling my felted, perfect slipper from the washing machine! As for your blog-I loved seeing your project pictures-your fair isle work is always so pretty! Your patterns are very nice and I've made several cute baby gifts over the years. I always loved watching your family grow, so I'm glad to know we get to see more! Your absence has been for very good reasons - my hope for you is that you find a comfortable balance between your family and your knitting job. I look forward to see what's next!
ReplyDeleteIf you could hold it together under the previous circumstances, I have no doubt you'll do great things now. I can't wait to see what comes next for you!
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ReplyDeleteWonderful. Nice to see a new little one and so cute. Will be looking forward to seeing more of your work in the not to distant future. I do have a question. I have had a major computer crash and lost so much including my french press slippers. Is there any way I can get another copy of should I just order a new one? Thanks so much and welcome back.
ReplyDeleteBarbara if you purchased the pattern through Ravelry the pattern should be in your pattern library on Ravelry.
DeleteOr if you could send me an email address, I can send it on.
DeleteCongratulations on the next chapter of your life! I wish you all the best and I am looking forward to see what you do next. I have to say that your FPK felted slipper pattern had a very big impact on my life and my knitting.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to you. And hurray! I'll get to see pictures of your adorable children in your wonderful patters. I'd love knit the hat on her head on this very page. So I'm happy you're back. I think you will enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteI've missed your blogging and am so happy you're back! Also happy that you have time to follow your heart a bit. Congratulations on all your exciting changes. And here's to more of your knitting brilliance amidst a houseful of children! Your slippers are a staple at our house. In fact, my eldest daughter just wore through hers and I must knit her another pair!
ReplyDeleteYou can't see it, but I'm doing a happy dance because you've returned to blogging and knitting! We all realize that life is what happens while we're making plans, and it sure sounds like a lot has been happening in FPK land. Looking forward to visiting with you here often!