Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun...

...especially when I am the one who has to keep them!  For the past few months I have been keeping a pretty big secret from all of my readers.  I think it's finally time to come clean.

Some of you have actually caught on.  Maybe this tipped you off:

Maybe it was this:

Maybe it's because you are wondering why I never give any updates on my basement renovation(seems I haven't been working on it too much, hmmm... )

Or maybe it was the fact that my blogging efforts in April and May were severely lacking. It's true, I wasn't feeling so well, and as you have probably guessed by now, we are expecting our first baby in November!

We are beyond excited, and I'm so glad to finally be sharing the news.  I am currently 17 weeks along, and a little baby bump did start showing in the past few days:

Ok, I know, it's not much- but it's a start!

The delay on telling was mostly due to the fact that I didn't tell work until this week.  I don't see everyone I work with all the time, but this week I am away at our National meeting and finally letting the cat out of the bag!  I figured I would be showing a little more by this time, and I would have to tell them.  Either way, I think it's about time!


  1. That is SO exciting! It truly the most wonderful thing to experience. I could write every cliche known to man about how wonderful having a baby is, but mere words don't do it justice! My baby will be 6 months old on July 4th, and I have loved every second of this awesome job I was given. And good for you for knitting so much! I got pregnancy carpal tunnel - I seriously pray you do not get it. :/

  2. yeah congrats!!

    I'm 21 weeks and looking forward to all the baby knitting projects too! Thanks for the inspirational projects so far!

    (aka: urbanknitfits on etsy)

  3. yay!!!!!!! congrats!!! yeah the in-between stage where you start to look pregnant & looking as though you've been eating too much junk causes confusion and people never know what to ask, so they guess amongst themselves, not a good thing. But we (your readers) are very happy for you!!

  4. Congratulations! You look beautiful.

  5. i suddenly feel the need to make a baby surprise!

  6. Congratulations, lady! This is so exciting! I hope your wee one likes mittens...

  7. Congratulations to you!! How exciting! You look absolutely beautiful.

  8. How exciting! Congrats!

  9. Congratulations! This means we get to see lots of pretty baby knits!!

  10. Congratulations!!! I know you're thrilled and now you can proceed to nest and knit. :)

  11. congratulations!! that's so exciting!!

  12. Congrats! This is such wonderful news!

  13. Congrats!! (I did wonder at the sudden proliferation of baby items.) :) That's wonderful news!

  14. Congragts and whether it be a boy or a girl, knitting for a little one is so much fun.

  15. Congratulations! Hope you feel better soon. Baby knitting is fun. Keep the updates on you, the baby, the craft room, and the patterns coming!

  16. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Such exciting news!! You're so tiny! I'm sure no one was the wiser!

  17. congrats!!! So exciting. My first born is a November baby.

  18. Congratulations! I have five babies and each one is a tremendous blessing!

  19. I'm so happy for you! What a very exciting time in your life!!

  20. Mazel tov! Sweet knits for a lucky baby!

  21. Welcome to mommy town! You are going to love it!
    I hope you will be feeling better soon. The first tri can be a bit hard. But second tri is usually MUCH better. My second son is now 4 months. If you would like recommendations on books to read then the thinking woman´s guide to a better birth is all the info you need to know so that you can make an informed educated decisions during your birth process. It´s all well researched info put into terms everyone can understand.

  22. Congratulations! This is wonderful for you and your family! Keep healthy!

  23. Congrats! I had a hunch because of all the baby knitting. ;)

  24. whoot whoot! congrats melynda :)

  25. I know I've told you before, but Congrats! I'm so super thrilled for you and your husband (and a little jealous of all the delicous knits your baby will get!).

  26. Congrats! Keep up the cute baby knits - soon you will have a cute model to put them on! ;-)

  27. Sweater, n.: garment worn by child when its mother is feeling chilly. ~Ambrose Bierce

    Congratulations! A made to order person to knit for!

  28. HOLY MOLY! Congratulations~you look adorable with your little belly! Lucky baby to have all those hand knit lovelies from their mama~Laura

  29. Congratulations! This is a wonderful news!

  30. Whoo hoooo! That's amazing congrats to you and your husband. Cheers to your little family!!

  31. This makes me so happy! YIPPPEEEE!!! :)

  32. Congratulations! I am so happy for you. Your bump is super cute. Cant wait to see it grow :D

  33. Congrats! I am 14 weeks along! I am not the fastest knitter, so I have only made hats so far! I have my ultrasound in 5 weeks and after finding out what the sex of the baby is, then will try a "real project"!

    I LOVE that little yellow dress! SO DARLING!

  34. Congrats! That is wonderful news...I can't wait to see your little knitted creations to come!!

  35. Very, very happy and excited for you!

  36. Congrats to you! Can't wait to see all the cute things you will make for the baby!!
    Are you still making and selling the slippers?? I would love to get a pair.

  37. Congratulations! That is so exciting! I'm looking forward to seeing what other knitting creations you whip up in the coming months before he/she arrives! :)

  38. congratulations! I love your little baby garments - they are beautiful and inspiring! Best wishes for a blessed birth!

  39. great little knits! love that dress!

  40. Congratulations! You have so much to look forward to. :)

  41. Just now getting to this post in my google reader! Congrats! I know so many preggo bloggers right now (me included!!). I am due in October! Yay!
