Friday, September 23, 2011


Maybe it was just something that was popular in my time*, or maybe it was even a regional thing, but Friday afternoons at round Elementary school always had some time reserved for DEAR- Drop Everything And Read.

It's a lovely concept, but admittedly, I have never implemented such a thing into my adult life. Finding time to read means a visit to to find an audio book to listen to while I drive or knit.

So, today I will keep the concept, but change it to fit my lifestyle (well, sort of).  Somewhere between deciding with a friend that we would be going to Greenfield Village tomorrow and... oh, well... sanity- I decided that Elise needed a cute new sweater to wear.

And although I would truly like to DEAK (Drop Everything and Knit), I have to be honest with myself. I still have a 8 hour workday ahead of me.  Oh yeah, and a baby to take care of with a husband that will be out of town (remember that sanity I was talking about- yeah, I lost that due to knittin' brain). 

So now, the only thing stopping me from yet another ridiculous self-imposed goal is time and that ball of yarn.  Can I do it??

*In this case- 'my time' refers to elementary school in the late 80's/early 90's


  1. D.E.A.K. - I love that! Seems like more often than knot (pun intended), it's more like D.E.A.D.

    (Drop Everything And ... Drop!)

  2. Oh I feel you. I've wanted to make that sweater for my niece since she was one (sh's 2 1/2 now). If only we had the time.....

  3. You can totally do it! That sweater is too cute not to knit.

  4. I remember DEAR. I like your update better. ;)

    Knit the sweater. It's adorable!

  5. Greenfield village--have a blast! We went with my husband's extended family as part of our early Christmas gathering (at Thanksgiving time) last year. You can totally get that sweater don--we're moms, we are super-multi-taskers! I do love visiting our Jackson, MI relatives, due to the 7.5 hours each way for knitting, lol!

  6. Yep, you can do it. That sweater is going to look adorable on your wee one! Love the color!

  7. I'm probably about the same age as you and we always had D.E.A.R. time. I remember, initially, whichever teacher instituted it did not explain what the acronym stood for and I spent a substantial part of the school year wondering why this particular time of the day was named after an animal. I also remembered in 5th grade that the teacher would pass out our new books from book orders before DEAR time. I was always so excited to start reading a new book. Oh! I loved book orders! It's funny, because as a teacher now, when the Scholastic box arrives from the UPS I run into the school office asking "Is it for me?!" I can't wait to open it up and see all my new books.

  8. that is one of the cutest sweater patterns i have ever seen...and now i want to knit one!

  9. That color is fantastic. You definitely need to D.E.A.K.

  10. I LOVE that sweater! I did a hat with the cabled owls a few months ago for my 4 mo. old (in utero at that time). I would love to know how you find the time/energy to knit (and weave!) -- and I'm serious! I've been working on the same basic pair of mittens for 2 weeks now, mostly at night. I've got one done but the other might get done by springtime :-) I guess I'll knit vicariously through you....happy knitting.

  11. I need some D.E.A.K. time, too. Although, I have to agree with the first poster that I usually reach a point of D.E.A.D. first!

  12. Oh, my you are young! I love it! We did not have D.E.A.R. in my elementary school in the 50s, but I have such fond memories of teachers reading to us. They read us The Birds in 5th Grade! Never could see the movie after that!

    Anyway, yes, do it! The sweater is incredible! I love to see Elise modeling her new knitwear! I know you will somehow manage!

  13. We had DEAR at my elementary school! (But I'm only 26 so......) I say knit away! I LOVE that yarn. I picked up a ton of it one day at ROSS, they had a whole bin of it for $1.00 each a couple months ago. The cashier thought I was crazy when she saw me dump the whole bin into my cart! I spent about $50 on it all but it was well worth it! Even when my husband threatened to go crazy at a sporting goods store in return!

  14. I am knitting the same jumper at the moment. It is so much fun, so go ahead and DEAK :)
    The only thing that is difficult is finding the perfect buttons. Any good suggestions??
