Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ready to Roll

It doesn't seem to matter so much to me that the nursery is not totally finished, my hospital bags are not quite packed, or the fact that I have a long to do list I'd like to accomplish before baby FPK arrives.  In this moment, I am happy knowing that my baby will have just about the cutest outfit to come home from the hospital in (I am a knitter- I have priorities, there are expectations). Presenting...

My gender neutral Little Lamby set.  I can't tell you how excited I am about the way this has turned out.  This is the third time I have actually made this sweater, it is a wonderful (not to mention free!) pattern by Jennifer Little.

The hat and mittens were totally made up as I went.  Since I was having tension issues with this slippery yarn on the sweater, I decided to just put the little lambs on the mitts and hat with duplicate stitch.  I'm not gonna lie- it totally gave me a hankerin' to find a great cross stitch or embroidery pattern to try out- any suggestions?

I added little buttons to the end of the sleeves, along with button holes to the ribbed portion of the mitts.

Hopefully this will keep mitts in place!

You may have noticed that the front buttons of the sweater are still missing, that is on purpose.  I have pink and blue buttons that will both be making the trek to the hospital with me. 

I also found the perfect shade of pinkish/peach silk bamboo yarn in my stash  that will be added as flowers to the taller blades of grass in the occasion that baby FPK turns out to be of the girl variety.

So let the dishes pile up, the work load increase- in my opinion, we now have all we need :)


  1. Precious! Good luck in the last few days of your pregnancy!

  2. That is soo cute, oh I so want to make something like that for my soon to be nephew coming in January :)

  3. Aaaaah! The cuteness! What a perfect coming-home outfit. Seriously, I keep saying "awwwwwww" out loud!

  4. My sister is in her first trimester, planning to find out the gender, and I've been dying to start knitting stuff for the baby! This is so beautiful, and a great gender-neutral project. Nicely done!

  5. I don't think it could get any sweeter than this! Very beautiful. I hope it all goes well. The surprising thing for me was that although the clothes I had picked out for the coming home outfit looked teeny tiny, my girls just swam in them! They fit eventually. For a day or so.

  6. That it the SWEETEST set ever! Almost makes me want to have another baby.

    Wishing you a safe birth and a healthy baby, can't wait to see photos of Baby B in this outfit.

  7. Oh that is so adorable! Can't wait to hear or see (?) if baby FPK will be a girl or a boy! No matter what will be perfect!
    Enjoy the last days...try to relax as much as you can...don't worry about the dishes or laundry! Good luck!!!

  8. The outfit is adorable. I can't wait to see pictures of the baby wearing it. Good luck to you. Gita

  9. That is just darling! You and Baby FPK are in my thoughts. :)

  10. What wee one wouldn't want to come home in that outfit?! Perfect!

  11. I love it! I love the button on the sleeve idea....just perfect. Amanda

  12. That's so adorable and looks so soft! Good luck with your last few days of rest :))

  13. This outfit is absolutely precious. I'm assuming we'll see pics of your little bundle all cuddled up in this perfect ensemble.

  14. very cute and excellent modifications prepared for adapting the sweater to the gender of the baby. I love it!

  15. Awwww...can't wait to see your little one wearing it instead of the paper towel roll/dowel rod! What a lucky baby to have such a beautiful going home ensemble.

  16. I just love it Melynda, it turned out SO beautifully. The button-on mitts are genius. I can just picture you sitting in your hospital bed sewing the appropriate colored buttons on the sweater during some down-time after he/she comes! :) If I ever have another baby I'll have to pick up my game... a hat and booties just won't cut it now that I've gotten better at knitting! haha

  17. Love the outfit - I am waiting to make this sweater once our grandbaby is born and we know boy or girl. And, of course now I will have to add the hat and mitts ;) Not much longer for either of you - 12 days left for my dau. I love the custom touches you pan to add in the hospital. I am working on a sweater that will get one of 2 sets of buttons added also, and perhaps some ribbon roses if it's a girl.

    BTW we have not seen any recent pix of the baby belly - love to see how it has filled out ;)

  18. Oh my gosh, so GORGEOUS!!!! I am definitely going to knit this set up for my little one. Could you, perhaps, post the pattern for the hat and mittens? We aren't finding out this time either, so it would be a perfect gender-neutral gift for our third and final bebe. Love it!!

  19. This is just fabulous -- especially the button on mitts. So hard to keep baby mitts in place! Your hat too, is precious. You'll have one lucky and cute as a button baby, whether pink or blue!

  20. OK - another baby knit that I NEED to make. With a little winter baby coming, I'm all about the little hats and mittens. Thanks for the tip about duplicate stitching the mittens.

  21. Adorable and How SMART of you to add the buttons to the sleeves with the buttonholes on the mitts. BRILLIANT!

  22. Oh no! This is a terrible post!!! My baby is due on the 30th of December and I now need to knit her one of these jumpers....there isn't enough time :o)

  23. Crazy pretty stuff!!!

  24. Squeeee!! that is the absolute cutest baby outfit ever. the little mitts and hat are just wonderful, and the whole ensemble... that is going to be the best dressed baby leaving the hospital this year!

  25. So beautiful! Your little baby will look totally adorable in that outfit!

  26. So cute! You did a fabulous job! Can't wait to see the new bundle of joy!!! So excited!!! Smart thinking with the buttons. I made Harper a sweater for when she was born and she never wore it. Silly me forgetting she was born in the summer and then she outgrew the thing by the time it was chilly enough to wear. Oh well. She's got lots of growing to do and I'll hopefully get some goodies done for xmas.
    How you feeling? You will do fine getting ready. Soon you will start nesting and get it all done late at night when you can no longer sleep - trust me :)

  27. Absolutely amazing! Best of luck!

  28. Super, super cute! Now that's a great way to welcome a little one to the world.

  29. Oh my goodness...I love it! It's absolutely perfect. :)

  30. I'm so happy for you! I can't wait to see this sweater on a certain little model-to-be!

  31. Brilliant! Gorgeous! Adorable! I could go on and on. Let the little one come!

  32. I read this post yesterday, and I could not get it out of my head all night. I think I dreamed about putting these little sheep all over a baby blanket. It is so sweet. Tell me you'll post a picture of your little one wearing this!

  33. That is adorable! I feel a bit inadequate because our first was a September baby and we forgot to bring pants! You can't bring a WI baby home in September without pants!! You have certainly inspired me for my next go-around. Congrats - good luck - and enjoy the experience!

  34. Gorgeous, Melynda! Yes, I do have a suggestion for stitching project for you. Go here,, and look at any of the November or October newsletters for the Samplers of the Months and you'll see a birth sampler featuring a lamb with a wonderful saying.

  35. Total adorable!!! The hat and mitten set are the icing on the cake. SO cute! I'm so excited for baby FPK!

    P.S. I always enjoyed kits from Jennifer Pudney… a quick and cute fix :)

  36. Beautiful!! Can't wait to see photos of the wee one inside the knits!!

  37. I love these! I'm new in the world of knitting and I'm still learning to read and understand a pattern. would love to learn how to make these. How fun that would be!

  38. Absolutely adorable! Your new bundle of joy WILL be the best dressed baby.
